For a couple of years, families need to stay home due to the health alarm. Social gatherings, concerts, and even big festivals are therefore suspended and activities such as going out to see the movies are paralyzed. But all this time of confinement can be used in many ways, especially to learn values.
One of the ways to learn values at home can be the cinema. Through the seventh art, numerous stories are exposed that transmit these concepts to the little ones of the house. For this reason, we bring you a selection of several films to learn from everyone and, in this way, make confinement more bearable with some fun sessions in front of the screen.
A friendly little bear arrives in London from the distant jungle. His mission is to Get to know the city that he has heard so much about from his aunt. But upon arriving in the British Isles he discovers that this city is less welcoming than he thought. Luckily, he meets a family that opens the doors of a new home for him. A good time to remember the true meaning of a home and how important it is that love exists right now.
No refunds
Valentin never thought he could settle down until he met the women of his life. A change that, far from making you sad for leaving behind your life of freedom and fun, will teach you how starting a family changes everything. How the love that these moments offer is a great opportunity to learn valuable lessons, even if it is unexpected.
Always on Your Side
A film that will teach us the value of friendship and love, of what it means to have a pet. In this film, we will know the story of Parker Wilson, who coincidentally meets a puppy whom he adopts. A relationship that will not always be fruitful, but from which a strong bond will be born. A valuable lesson about respecting the animal world.
A place to dream
Another great virtue that you must transmit to your children when you watch a movie with your children in cinema, and that can be learned through this film, is the importance of having hope and facing adversity, having a goal to fight for.
Friendship is another of the values that can be learned through cinema. One proposal for this is Ice Age, a film in which we will meet various prehistoric animals who will have to accept that the only way to move forward is together.
Miracle of Marcelino
Marcelino is a boy welcomed by a group of friars who finds a curious friendship in the attic of this convent. During their conversations, they will discuss many topics, such as the importance of mothers or the innocence that should never be lost.
What are those sensations that are born inside us and that make us do different kinds of things? Explaining what emotions are to the little ones can be very difficult. But, this nice movie can be a good way to give these lessons. Of course, it is necessary to explain to the little ones that it is a fiction and that in reality, nothing they see is real, it is simply a fun metaphor.