Star India, a subsidiary of Disney, owns Hungama TV, an Indian pay-television channel targeted towards children. The channel primarily airs Japanese and Indian animated series. Launched on 26 September 2004, the channel is owned by Star India. It is a sister channel of Disney. However, its programming consists of more than just kid’s shows. With a vast catalogue of cartoons and games, Hungama is the perfect destination for families with kids.
Since it started broadcasting anime and cartoons in India, the channel has gotten more mainstream. Its content includes shows that are geared toward a younger audience, such as The Simpsons, and has become a household name in the country. The content of the channel varies from genre to genre, but it’s mostly children’s programming. The network offers a wide selection of anime and cartoon series, and is a good place for young viewers to learn about various cultures and religions.
The Hungama TV schedule changes weekly, but some shows stay on the same day. The channels are broadcast in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. Some shows air at specific times of the week, but most are available 24 hours a day. And although Hungama is a 24-hour entertainment channel, it is not yet profitable, and is expected to break even in three years. In fact, the company expects to break even in three years – a little sooner if the content is good.
UTV Software Communications Ltd., which started the channel, sold the company to Disney in 2006. The company has a huge presence in India, including offices in the UK and the US. It has a global footprint, and has expanded into other countries. Despite its success, it continues to remain a leading player in the children’s television genre. If you are looking for a good kids TV channel, consider checking out Hungama TV.
In a recent article, the Disney Company announced that it had acquired Hungama TV, an Indian pay-TV channel aimed at children. In addition to the deal, Hungama also has a joint venture with Astro All Asia Network. And because the channel has grown significantly in popularity, Disney has plans to set up kids channels in Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines. It is currently in 15 cities, but the acquisition is still subject to regulatory approval.
As with other channels, Hungama TV is not rated in all areas. Nevertheless, it is a great place to watch Indian television shows. It also offers a web interface for Hungama, as well as detailed information about the shows. Unlike its competitors, it is a great way to find out about new shows, as well as find out when they’re being broadcast. The listings on this channel are updated regularly, so you can keep an eye on them at all times.