Contrary to what insurance companies like to advertise, they are not there to protect you. After all, they are in a money-making profession and will always look for their own gain before yours. Insurance companies can worsen a bad situation with their long and complex procedures. Some companies even participate in bad-faith insurance practices.
Bad faith insurance practices basically involve trying to trick the claimant into saying something that can be twisted later, forcing them to accept a lower settlement, etc. Anyone can become a victim of bad faith practices and lose what they are entitled to. If you believe you deserve more money than what the insurance company is offering, click here to speak to an attorney.
Signs of bad faith practices in disability insurance companies
Denial of a legitimate claim.
While insurance companies are legally allowed to deny any claim, they cannot deny legitimate and valid ones. If you have a strong claim and have provided accurate and strong evidence of your medical condition, the insurance company must give you a legitimate reason to deny your claim.
When the insurance company cannot give you a reason, they may be working in bad faith. If it is found that they were working in bad faith, they may be required to pay even more.
Unnecessary delays.
Sure, the insurance company may hire a private investigator and conduct its own investigation, which might take a while. However, if they are taking way too much time than expected, it may be a sign of bad faith. The insurer may tell you all sorts of things and play tricks to keep your money as long as they can.
The insurance company may send you in circles. For example, they may request copies of documents that you have already provided them with.
Delays in the investigation.
In some cases, the insurance company may actually stall its investigation process to delay the procedure. They hope that by the time the investigation ends, you will be in a hurry and accept any settlement they offer. The insurance company will deliberately delay the investigation process, leading to a delay in the decision of whether to pay your claim.
Misinterpretation of the law or policies.
Many claimants do not understand the complex language written in their insurance policies and often require a professional’s help. It can be frustrating when insurance companies try to deny your claim because you misunderstood a law or policy. If your insurance uses this tactic to deny your claim or pay you a small amount, consult an attorney today.