A dental bridge is a type of restoration used to replace missing teeth. They are often called fixed bridges, because they are anchored on the abutments that are on either side of the space left by the missing tooth. A dental bridge is not an option for everyone and they can be challenging to maintain. This article will cover what you need to know about dental bridges before your consultation so you can make the right decision for your needs.
Are you looking for more information? Read on as we discuss what types of dental bridges exist, how dental bridges work, and some common questions about dental bridges answered!
What is a Dental Bridge?
A dental bridge is a type of restoration used to replace missing teeth. They are often called fixed bridges because they are anchored on the abutments that are on either side of the space left by the missing tooth. A dental bridge is not an option for everyone and they can be challenging to maintain.
The first step in getting a dental bridge is to have a consultation with your dentist. At this appointment, your dentist will figure out whether or not you can have one. If your dentist determines you are eligible for a dental bridge, then he or she may suggest that you get another procedure completed first (i.e. periodontal therapy) before having the bridge put in place so that it has adequate support in place when it’s time for the installation.
Types of Dental Bridges
Dental bridges come in a few different types. They are typically categorized by the way that they are connected to the teeth on either side of the space left by the missing tooth.
*Porcelain fused to metal (PFM) – A type of dental bridge made from porcelain and metal. They’re used to replace an upper or lower tooth and have a metal framework on either side that holds the porcelain in place.
*Porcelain-covered crowns – A type of dental bridge made when a crown is placed over a tooth, but it doesn’t go all the way around. Instead, there is a gap between where one ends and another begins. This type of dental bridge is often used when there are several teeth in need of treatment.
How Dental Bridges Work
A dental bridge is a prosthetic device that replaces a natural tooth or teeth. They are often called fixed bridges, because they are anchored on the abutments that are on either side of the space left by the missing tooth.
Normally, when you lose a tooth, it leaves behind an empty space in your mouth. The goal of a dental bridge is to fill in this empty space by connecting two teeth with crowns or implants on each end. This creates what looks like one continuous row of teeth plus one additional tooth for support.
How does a dental bridge work? You need an artificial tooth or teeth at either end of the gap left by the missing tooth to support it. These teeth must be fitted with anchors that attach to your natural teeth and gums on either side of the gap. The artificial teeth are made from porcelain and metal and they can be attached using cement. A third tooth may also be added to make sure there is enough structural support for the bridge.
Dental bridges can vary in complexity depending on whether you have one missing tooth or more than one-and-a-half missing teeth, but all types require periodontal maintenance such as daily brushing with fluoride paste and flossing between visits to the dentist near me for checkups.
Common Questions about Dental Bridges
What are the Types of Dental Bridges?
There are three types of dental bridges: conventional, cantilever, and Maryland. A conventional bridge is what most people picture when they think of a dental bridge. The tooth on either side of the space left by the missing tooth are prepared to receive crowns that serve as anchors for the bridge.
A cantilever bridge features one anchor on either side that supports a “beam” like structure from which false teeth can be hung.
A Maryland bridge utilizes an implant to replace a missing tooth and then a post is placed on either side with crowns providing the anchor for the false teeth.
How do Dental Bridges Work?
A dental bridge serves to fill a gap created by a missing tooth or teeth. They are anchored on either side of the space left at either end by teeth adjacent to the space created by the missing tooth. The abutments (anchors) at each end provide stability for the bridge and keep it in place over time as you chew, talk and laugh.
A dental bridge is a great solution for replacing missing teeth. It is a fixed dental appliance that is designed to fill the space created by missing teeth and holds a false tooth (or teeth) in place. Dental bridges are typically made from porcelain or from a material that is more durable than porcelain. They are cemented onto adjacent teeth for support. If you’re considering getting a dental bridge, you should know the benefits and drawbacks of this procedure.